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DuPage County

Dupage real estate data

Last year, DuPage County, IL had a population of 930k people with a median age of 39.3 and a median household income of $89,521. Between 2016 and 2017 the population of DuPage County, IL grew from 929,368 to 930,128, a 0.0818% increase, and its median household income grew from $84,908 to $89,521, a 5.43% increase.

The population of DuPage County, IL is 66.9% White, 14.4% Hispanic or Latino, and 11.6% Asian. 26.5% of people in DuPage County, IL speak a non-English language, and 92.2% are U.S. citizens.

The largest universities in DuPage County, IL are Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois (7,845 degrees awarded in 2016), College of DuPage (5,350 degrees), and Benedictine University (2,114 degrees).

The median property value in DuPage County, IL is $308,800, and the homeownership rate is 74.3%. Most people in DuPage County, IL commute, and the average commute time is 27.9 minutes. The average car ownership in DuPage County, IL is 2 cars per household.

DuPage County, IL borders Cook County, IL, Kane County, IL, Kendall County, IL, and Will County, IL